foam magazine #49/Back to the Future

The 19th Century to the 21st Century


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In this issue of Foam Maga­zi­ne, which takes as its the­me Back to the Future. The 19th Cen­tu­ry in the 21st Cen­tu­ry and the exhi­bi­ti­ons of the same name at Foam Muse­um (18 Janu­a­ry — 28 March 2018) and C/O Ber­lin (29 Sep­tem­ber — 02 Decem­ber 2018), ana­chro­nisms have an important part to play. At its heart are con­tem­pora­ry artists who rear­ran­ge, rein­ter­pret, adopt and recy­cle the­mes, tech­ni­ques and ide­as from the nine­teenth cen­tu­ry, always in a con­tem­pora­ry way, using digi­tal tech­ni­ques, new mate­ri­als and con­tem­pora­ry motifs.

Bey­ond pro­jects rela­ting to the the­me of Back to the Future, regu­lar fea­tures inclu­de a Self Por­trait by Ane­ta Bar­tos that explo­res the com­ple­xi­ties of the father-daugh­ter rela­ti­ons­hip, an insight­ful inter­view with Anne-Marie Beck­mann, Cura­tor and Direc­tor of the Deut­sche Bör­se Pho­to­gra­phy Foun­da­ti­on, as well as new work by Simo­ne Berg­an­ti­ni, Wil­lem Pope­lier, Aaron Schu­man and Ken­neth Bamberg.

Anna Atkins, Ken­neth Bam­berg, Tim Bar­ber, Syl­via Ball­hau­se, Ane­ta Bar­tos, Simo­ne Berg­an­ti­ni, Karl Bloss­feldt, Bow­nik, Mat­thew Brandt, Raphaël Dall­apor­ta, Jes­si­ca Eaton, Sam Falls, Lucas Foglia, Spi­ros Had­jid­ja­nos, Tho­mas Mai­la­en­der, Dou­glas Man­dry, Chris McCaw, Liz Niel­sen, Drew Niko­no­wicz, Tre­vor Pag­len, Wil­lem Pope­lier, Jan­ne­mar­ein Renout, Kha­di­ja Saye, Aaron Schu­man, Sil­ver and Gold, Theo Simp­son, August Strind­berg, Witho Worms

Karin Bare­man, Andrew Berar­di­ni, Ann-Chris­tin Bert­rand, Rose Bout­hil­lier, Ben Bur­bridge, Lewis Bush, Jörg Col­berg, Claus Gun­ti, Hin­de Haest, Allie Hae­uss­lein, Taco Hid­de Bak­ker, Max Houghton, Kim Knop­pers, Mir­jam Koo­iman, Luce Lebart, Eli­sa Med­de, Aram Mos­hy­edi, Liz Niel­sen, Hans Roo­se­boom, Liz Sales, Caro­li­ne von Courten








The 19th Century to the 21st Century


Foam Museum, Amsterdam

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  • Jan van der Ploeg
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