SOS Brutalism

A Global Survey Katalog zur Ausstellung im Deutschen Architekturmuseum Frankfurt a. Main, 2017/2018, Ein gemeinsames Projekt des Deutschen Architekturmuseums und der Wüstenrot Stiftung


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The first-ever glo­bal sur­vey of bru­ta­list archi­tec­tu­re from the 1950s to the 1970s, based on rese­arch pro­ject car­ri­ed out col­la­bo­ra­tively by Deut­sches Archi­tek­tur­mu­se­um DAM and Wüs­ten­rot Foundation.

SOS Bru­ta­lism is a dis­tress signal. Sin­ce the 1950s, emi­nent archi­tects around the world have rea­li­zed buil­dings expres­sing an uncom­pro­mi­sing atti­tu­de. Pre­do­mi­nant­ly, yet not exclu­si­ve­ly, they used expo­sed con­cre­te, or béton brut (hence the term bru­ta­lism), for the con­struc­tion. Today, many of the­se always con­tro­ver­si­al­ly dis­cus­sed buil­dings are in dan­ger of demo­li­ti­on or, at least, of recon­struc­tion that often may chan­ge their appearan­ce bey­ond reco­gni­ti­on. In recent years, an initia­ti­ve to pro­tect and pre­ser­ve this signi­fi­cant glo­bal heri­ta­ge of 20th-cen­tu­ry archi­tec­tu­re has gai­ned momen­tum, main­ly in the inter­net. Using the hash­tag #SOS­Br­ita­lism, the Deut­sches Archi­tek­tur­mu­se­um (DAM, Ger­man Muse­um of Archi­tec­tu­re) in Frank­furt on the Main and the Wüs­ten­rot Foun­da­ti­on par­ti­ci­pa­te in this cam­pai­gn with a vast col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve rese­arch project.

The result of this rese­arch to date is a glo­bal sur­vey of bru­ta­list archi­tec­tu­re of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, pre­sen­ted in an exhi­bi­ti­on at DAM in autumn 2017 and a coin­ci­ding and uni­que­ly com­pre­hen­si­ve book. Some 100 con­tri­bu­tors docu­ment around 120 key buil­dings from this peri­od, inclu­ding many pre­vious­ly unpu­blis­hed dis­co­ve­ries that are in acu­te dan­ger of loss through neglect of inten­ded demo­li­ti­on. Moreo­ver, the book fea­tures over­views of bru­ta­lism in archi­tec­tu­re in twel­ve regi­ons around the world. Case stu­dies of hot­spots such as the Mace­do­ni­an capi­tal Skop­je or New Haven, Con­nec­ti­cut, and essays on the histo­ry and theo­ry of bru­ta­lism round out this lavish­ly illus­tra­ted book. The sup­ple­ment collects papers of an inter­na­tio­nal sym­po­si­um on bru­ta­lism in archi­tec­tu­re held in Ber­lin in 2012.

The book is publis­hed in con­junc­tion with the exhi­bi­ti­on SOS Bru­ta­lism—Save the Con­cre­te Mons­ters at DAM in Frank­furt on the Main (8 Novem­ber 2017 to 25 Febru­a­ry 2018) and at Archi­tek­tur­zen­trum Wien (3 May to 6 August 2018).











23,3 x 28,9 cm









A Global Survey
Katalog zur Ausstellung im Deutschen Architekturmuseum Frankfurt a. Main, 2017/2018, Ein gemeinsames Projekt des Deutschen Architekturmuseums und der Wüstenrot Stiftung

Artikelnummer: liawolf-9783038600756 Kategorien: , Schlüsselworte: , , ,

Zwischensumme:  36,00

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