she dances on Jackson

Winship, Vanessa


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The reprint of this huge­ly suc­cess­ful 2013 book coin­ci­des with a retro­spec­ti­ve of the work of Vanes­sa Win­ship at the Bar­bi­can Art Gal­le­ry in Lon­don from June to Sep­tem­ber 2018.

In 2011 Vanes­sa Win­ship was the reci­pi­ent of the Hen­ri Car­tier Bres­son Award which funds an artist to pur­sue a new pho­to­gra­phic pro­ject. For over a year Win­ship tra­vel­led across the United Sta­tes, from Cali­for­nia to Vir­gi­nia, New Mexi­co to Mon­ta­na, in pur­su­it of the fab­led ‘Ame­ri­can dream’. she dan­ces on Jack­son pres­ents a con­ver­sa­ti­on, a lyri­cal and lil­ting inter­ac­tion bet­ween land­s­cape and por­trait explo­ring the vast­ness of the United Sta­tes and attemp­t­ing to under­stand the link bet­ween a ter­ri­to­ry and its inha­bi­tants. For Win­ship this rela­ti­ons­hip is inextri­ca­ble; pla­ces accrue par­ti­cu­lar mea­nings accord­ing to the peop­le she meets, what she sees, and by what’s hap­pe­ning to her per­so­nal­ly. Each human encoun­ter, sound and smell adds extra dimen­si­ons to her work and the resul­ting photographs.

she dan­ces on Jack­son marks a pro­gres­si­on. Sty­listi­cal­ly simi­lar to her pre­vious work using black and white film and a lar­ge for­mat came­ra, Winship’s por­traits remain arres­ting and unner­ving but this body of work reve­als her to also be a skil­led land­s­cape pho­to­gra­pher. For Win­ship pho­to­gra­phy is a pro­cess of liter­acy, a path by which she under­stands life. Her inti­ma­te approach enab­les the rea­der to glim­pse the world as she sees it, if only for a moment.

Second edi­ti­on














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