Works in Progress

A 20-year retrospective of Philippe Weisbecker's artwork

Weisbecker, Philippe

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An explo­ra­ti­on of the beau­ty of sim­pli­ci­ty in our ever­y­day life. The collec­ted works of a master

Phil­ip­pe Weis­be­cker is an artist and illus­tra­tor who cur­r­ent­ly divi­des his time bet­ween Paris and Bar­ce­lo­na, but who has spent most of his care­er in New York working with publi­ca­ti­ons like The New York Times. In recent years he has done many gra­phic design works in Japan, which have ear­ned him a lar­ge fol­lowing, as well. From Weisbecker’s half a cen­tu­ry of work, this book collects appro­xi­mate­ly 700 art­works, inclu­ding never-befo­re-seen rare pie­ces that show­ca­se his ico­nic, cha­rac­te­ris­ti­cal­ly deli­ca­te drawings in pen­cil to rare­ly seen three-dimen­sio­nal drawings. A sup­ple­men­tal fea­ture on his ate­lier in Paris is an added bonus.






Japanisch/manches Englisch




A 20-year retrospective of Philippe Weisbecker's artwork

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  • Eine Naht aus Licht und Schwarz
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