Wonderful Things

Walker, Tim


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Publis­hed to accom­pa­ny the V&A’s mes­me­ri­zing exhi­bi­ti­on Tim Wal­ker: Won­der­ful Things, this cata­lo­gue is a jour­ney through the crea­ti­ve mind of one of the world’s most inven­ti­ve photographers.
Radi­cal, exci­ting and ori­gi­nal, Tim Wal­ker is one of the world’s fore­mo­st pho­to­graph­ers, an ener­ge­tic, ima­gi­na­ti­ve for­ce who con­ju­res other worlds through his images.
The cata­lo­gue con­tains over 100 com­pel­ling pho­to­graphs, from ten magi­cal pho­to­shoots inspi­red by objects from the V&A’s enor­mous and wide-ran­ging collec­tion, along­side con­ver­sa­ti­ons bet­ween the set desi­gners, sty­lists, hair and make-up artists, models and muses who col­la­bo­ra­te with Wal­ker to bring his ima­gi­na­ti­on to life. Pre­vious­ly unpu­blis­hed behind-the-sce­nes image­ry, reve­aling Walker’s crea­ti­ve pro­cess from preli­mi­na­ry sket­ches, through his detail­ed rese­arch in the laby­rinth of storer­ooms and gal­le­ries at the V&A, to his spec­ta­cu­lar final pic­tures, also feature.
Con­tri­bu­tors inclu­de Jack App­ley­ard, Zoe Bedeaux, Ter­ry Blox­ham, Edie Camp­bell, Gwen­do­li­ne Chris­tie, Jose­phi­ne Cowell, James Crewe, Mal­colm Edwards, Karen Elson, Katy Eng­land, Edward Ennin­ful OBE, Aman­da Har­lech, Sho­na Heath, Hungry/Johannes Jar­ur­aak, Ibra­him Kama­ra, Kate Phel­an, James Spen­cer, Jer­ry Staf­ford, Til­da Swin­ton and Gareth Wrighton.
Aus­stel­lung: 21. Sep­tem­ber 2019 bis 22. März 2020









ca 200 Abb.

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