Steel Cities

The Architecture of Logistics in Central and Eastern Europe


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In der Mit­te Euro­pas, im tsche­chi­schen West­böh­men, brei­ten sich an stra­te­gisch opti­ma­ler Posi­ti­on rie­si­ge Lager­häu­ser der Logis­tik­in­dus­trie aus. Die­se stäh­ler­nen Städ­te bele­gen Hun­dert­tau­sen­de von Qua­drat­me­tern Flä­che in einer land­wirt­schaft­lich gepräg­ten Land­schaft und pro­du­zie­ren – nichts: In den meis­ten Hal­len wer­den ledig­lich Pake­te für den Ver­sand bereit­ge­stellt; sie sind die kon­kre­te Mate­ria­li­sie­rung des Onlineshoppings.
Die Autorin­nen und Autoren des For­schungs­pro­jekts Steel Cities. The Archi­tec­tu­re of Logistics in Cen­tral and Eas­tern Euro­pe unter­su­chen die Aus­wir­kun­gen der Logis­tik­parks auf Land­schaft, Orts­bil­der und Men­schen. Ihr Buch beleuch­tet mit zahl­rei­chen Foto­gra­fien und ein­ord­nen­den Tex­ten den kon­ti­nen­ta­len Zusam­men­hang, die fast mili­tä­ri­sche Pla­nung der Logis­tik­un­ter­neh­men eben­so wie die loka­len Bedin­gun­gen für die meh­re­ren Tau­send Arbei­ter in den fens­ter­lo­sen Stahlboxen.
The fast-gro­wing logistics indus­try in Cen­tral and Eas­tern Euro­pe and its huge­ly pro­ble­ma­tic effects on the built envi­ron­ment, land­s­capes, socie­ties, and indi­vi­du­als in the region

In the coun­tries of Cen­tral and Eas­tern Euro­pe, a cer­tain type of indus­try has rapidly developed—an indus­try that pro­du­ces not­hing. Sto­ring, pack­a­ging, clas­si­fy­ing, assemb­ling, and other ancil­la­ry pro­ces­ses of manu­fac­tu­ring and dis­tri­bu­ti­on are car­ri­ed out 24/7 in exten­si­ve logistics parks. Their vast sites, often bright­ly lit during night hours, have dou­bled in terms of area cove­r­ed every four years during the past two deca­des. The­se Steel Cities, as some locals have ter­med them, occu­py incre­a­sing amounts of what has been fer­ti­le farm­land, deeply affect the lives of local resi­dents, and crea­te ent­i­re­ly new relationships.

This new book inves­ti­ga­tes the Steel Cities’ impact on land­s­cape and socie­ty from various per­spec­ti­ves. It reve­als the archi­tec­tu­ral and spa­ti­al, eco­no­mic, social, and envi­ron­men­tal rami­fi­ca­ti­ons of the logistics sys­tem in this regi­on and else­whe­re. It exami­nes the­se logistics cen­ters on three sca­les: as an archi­tec­to­nic-land­s­cape enti­ty the size of a small town, as a net­work that res­ha­pes the map of Euro­pe so to defi­ne its own ter­ri­to­ria­li­ty, and as part of the ever­y­day life of the workers insi­de and the resi­dents around them.

With con­tri­bu­ti­ons by Rut­vi­ca Andri­jas­e­vic, Kateři­na Fre­jla­cho­va, Adri­an Hyrsz, Tomaš Khel, Bob Kuřik, Jes­se LeCa­va­lier, Lukaš Lika­včan, Petr Mezi­horak, Vic­tor Mun­oz Sanz, Tonia Novitz, Miros­lav Pazde­ra, Tade­aš Řiha, Han­nah Schling, Pavel Suchan, Dani­el Šite­ra, Mar­tin Špičak, Phil­ip Ursprung, Ina Val­ka­no­va, and Jan Vopravil.

Kateři­na Fre­jla­cho­vá is an archi­tect working with Pra­gue-based firm MCA Atelier.

Miros­lav Pazde­ra is an archi­tect working as a rese­arch assi­stant at Czech Tech­ni­cal University’s Facul­ty of Archi­tec­tu­re in Pra­gue and with Bernd Schmutz Archi­tek­ten in Berlin.

Tadeáš Říha is an archi­tect and wri­ter cur­r­ent­ly working with 6a archi­tects in London.

Mar­tin Špičák is an archi­tect and co-foun­der of collec­ti­ve. He works at the city of Prague’s depart­ment of urban planning.
Fotos: Stu­dio Flus­ser; Kol­ský, Jan
In coope­ra­ti­on with VI PER Gal­le­ry, Prague







102 color & 7 b/w illustrations & graphics


The Architecture of Logistics in Central and Eastern Europe

Artikelnummer: liawolf-9783038601890 Kategorie: Schlüsselworte: , ,
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