
Soth, Alec


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In the fol­low-up to his cri­ti­cal­ly acc­lai­med debut mono­graph Slee­ping by the Mis­sis­sip­pi, Alec Soth tur­ned his eye to ano­t­her ico­nic body of water, Nia­ga­ra Falls. As with his pho­to­graphs of the Mis­sis­sip­pi, Soth’s pic­tures of Nia­ga­ra are less about natu­ral won­der than human desi­re. “I went to Nia­ga­ra for the same rea­son as the honey­moo­ners and sui­ci­de jum­pers,” says Soth, “the relent­less thun­der of the Falls just calls for big pas­si­on.” Working over the cour­se of two years on both the Ame­ri­can and Cana­di­an sides of the Falls using a lar­ge-for­mat 8x10 came­ra, the pho­to­graphs are rigo­rous­ly com­po­sed and rich­ly detail­ed. Soth depicts new­ly­weds and naked lovers, motel par­king lots and pawn shop wed­ding rings. Throughout the book, Soth has inters­per­sed a num­ber of love let­ters from the sub­jects he pho­to­gra­phed. We read about teena­ge crus­hes, work­place affairs, heart­break and sui­ci­de. Oscar Wil­de wro­te of the Falls, “The sight of the stu­pen­dous water­fall must be one of the ear­liest, if not the kee­n­est, disap­point­ments in Ame­ri­can mar­ried life.” In Soth’s Nia­ga­ra, we see both the pas­si­on and the disap­point­ment. His pic­tures are a remar­kab­le por­tra­yal of modern love and it’s aftermath.

Alec Soth (b. 1969) is a pho­to­gra­pher born and based in Min­nea­po­lis, Min­ne­so­ta. He has publis­hed over twen­ty-five books inclu­ding Slee­ping by the Mis­sis­sip­pi (2004), NIAGARA (2006) Bro­ken Manu­al (2010) and Song­book (2015). Soth has had over fif­ty solo exhi­bi­ti­ons inclu­ding sur­vey shows orga­ni­zed by Jeu de Pau­me in Paris (2008), the Wal­ker Art Cen­ter in Min­ne­so­ta (2010) and Media Space in Lon­don (2015). Soth has been the reci­pi­ent of nume­rous fel­low­ships and awards, inclu­ding the Gug­gen­heim Fel­low­ship (2013). In 2008, Soth crea­ted Litt­le Brown Mushroom, a mul­ti-media enter­pri­se focu­sed on visu­al sto­ry­tel­ling. Soth is repre­sen­ted by Sean Kel­ly in New York, Wein­stein Gal­le­ry in Min­nea­po­lis, Fra­en­kel Gal­le­ry in San Fran­cis­co, LOOCK Gale­rie in Ber­lin and is a mem­ber of Magnum Photos.
Essays by Phil­ip Brook­man & Richard Ford










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  • East End Fashionistas
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