Morandi’s Objects

Meyerowitz, Joel

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ver­grif­fen / out of print

In Spring 2015, the pho­to­gra­pher Joel Mey­e­ro­witz sat at the work table in Gior­gio Morandi’s Bolo­gna home, in the exact spot whe­re the pain­ter had sat for over 40 years making his quiet, sub­li­me still lifes. Here Mey­e­ro­witz loo­ked at, touched, stu­di­ed and con­nec­ted with the more than 250 objects that Moran­di pain­ted. Using only the warm natu­ral light in the room, he pho­to­gra­phed Morandi’s objects: vases, shells, pig­ment-fil­led bot­t­les, silk flowers, tins, fun­nels, wate­ring cans. In the pho­to­graphs, each object sits on Morandi’s table, which still bears the marks the pain­ter drew to set the posi­ti­ons of his sub­jects. In the back­ground is the same paper that Moran­di left on the wall, now britt­le and yel­low with age. Meyerowitz’s por­traits of the­se dus­ty, aged objects are not only works of art them­sel­ves, but they offer insight into the hum­ble sub­jects that Moran­di trans­for­med into his sub­t­le and lumin­ous paintings.








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