
Demand, Thomas


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Kata­log zur Aus­stel­lung im Muse­um für Moder­ne Kunst, Frank­furt, 25.03. bis 09.08.2006
The cata­log shows details and working sket­ches of the work group Klau­se of the artist Tho­mas Demand, which was pre­sen­ted in the MMK Muse­um of Modern Art.

mit Text-Bei­trä­gen von Diet­mar Dath, Chris­ti­an Demand, Joa­achim Valentin

Taking the under­ly­ing idea of Beckman’s cycle as his point of depar­tu­re, Demand’s work refers to a very recent crime in a Ger­man vil­la­ge that attai­ned vast atten­ti­on in the media. Due to the cha­rac­ter of the crime no images of the per­sons invol­ved could be publis­hed, and thus the site of it, a tavern, beca­me a sur­ro­ga­te image that was wide­ly dis­se­mi­na­ted by the media. This buil­ding ser­ves as a star­ting point for Demand’s con­struc­ted images: two out­door views depict the faça­de, part­ly cove­r­ed by ivy, and the bar­ri­ca­ded ent­ran­ce. Insi­de one is faced with cer­tain details like a dried-out plant or a cof­fee machi­ne. Some of the pho­to­graphs are direct­ly lin­ked to one ano­t­her: upon ent­e­ring the kit­chen one dis­co­vers the door lea­ding to the yel­low sto­rage room, that forms the set­ting of ano­t­her image. In fact the place would remain harm­less and tri­vi­al, if it had not been repeated­ly pre­sen­ted in the press along­side the facts of the crime gra­du­al­ly reve­a­led in detail as the case unfold­ed. Over a cer­tain cour­se of time the­se images — and the occur­rence rela­ted to them — beca­me a strong, even if shado­wy, exis­tence in our collec­ti­ve memory.

Demand’s inte­rest is not cent­red on the com­pli­ca­ted inves­ti­ga­ti­on of the case but on the mea­ning that the pho­to coverage in the press con­veys of the spe­ci­fic loca­ti­on, as well as the chain of vir­tu­al images trig­ge­red by the press pho­tos. The use of press pho­tos as a point of depar­tu­re is known from Demand’s pre­vious work, and he reflects some of the most fun­da­men­tal and dis­tur­bing pre­mi­ses of how the media ope­ra­tes. Through his repre­sen­ta­ti­ons he points at society’s exten­si­ve demand on sen­sa­tio­nal sto­ries, and the media’s wil­ling­ness and capa­bi­li­ty to explo­it such para­ly­zing events.















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