A Picture Book of My Life (2 Volumes Set) ***signiert


Hagmüller, Götz


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In this rich­ly illus­tra­ted auto­bio­gra­phy, Gotz Hag­mül­ler tells the sto­ry of his life from the begin­ning on one of the first days of World War II.

In Volu­me 1 He starts with his stu­dent designs at the vien­na tech­ni­cal uni­ver­si­ty, his ear­ly invol­ve­ment in deve­lo­p­ment aid pro­jects, and in his first films, all the while inclu­ding memo­ries if the many peop­le he alrea­dy knew or metand coope­ra­ted with in various coun­tries in the world. He won the second pri­ze of an inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­ti­on for a new Natio­nal Libra­ry in Tehe­ran and final­ly star­ted his major and long-las­ting work in urban plan­ning and the con­ser­va­ti­on of his­to­ri­cal buil­dings in Nepal and expan­ded his expe­ri­ence with pro­jects in India, laos, Cam­bo­dia and Bhutan.

In Volu­me 2 Hag­mül­ler con­cen­tra­tes his atten­ti­on on the Aus­tri­an Aid pro­jects in Nepal, the Pat­an Muse­um, the Gar­den of Dreams in Kath­man­du, and the Ta Dzong Muse­um in Bhu­tan, tog­e­ther with his old Aus­tri­an friend and part­ner Tho­mas Schrom. All of them soon beca­me selfsus­tai­ning and even pro­fi­ta­ble cul­tu­ral pro­jects, which found wide local and inter­na­tio­nal acc­laim for Austria’s remar­kab­le con­tri­bu­ti­on to the pre­ser­va­ti­on of the cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge in several coun­tries of Asia.

Hag­mül­ler also did the impres­si­ve recon­struc­tion of Chya­si­lin Man­dal, the “Eight Cor­ne­red Gift” — the most important his­to­ri­cal buil­ding on Bhaktapur’s main squa­re that had been lost in pre­vi­oys earthquakes/
Final­ly, due credit is given to mem­bers of his lar­ge fami­ly, to many old friends and, last but not least, to Lud­mil­la Hun­ger­hu­ber, his dear wife and most acti­ve life part­ner in all of the­se projects.








20 x 25 cm




Artikelnummer: liawolf-9789937027465 Kategorien: , , Schlüsselworte: ,

Zwischensumme:  51,40

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