Time and Portraits

Wakagi, Shingo


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This book is a com­pi­la­ti­on of his won­der­ful por­traits for ten years from midd­le of 90’s. The rela­xed pho­to­graph of Law­rence Wei­ner that graces the cover of this edi­ti­on sets the tone for the rest of this collec­tion of por­traits of well and les­ser-known per­so­na­li­ties that were taken by Japa­ne­se pho­to­gra­pher Shin­go Waka­gi. Neit­her force­ful or over­ly orches­tra­ted, the pho­to­gra­pher inva­ria­b­ly cap­tures his sub­jects in a rela­xed sta­te and often in a fami­li­ar envi­ron­ment. Ter­ry Riley, Wolf­gang Till­mans, Gil­bert & Geor­ge, Bras­sai, Sophie Cal­le, Jim Jar­musch, Yoshi­mo­to Nara, Sam Tay­lor-Wood, Luc Tuy­mans, Dani­el Buren, Elein Fleiss, Jur­gen Lehl and Sori Yanagi are some of the 57 per­so­na­li­ties collec­ted here, pre­sen­ted one full pho­to­graph to a page.

Buch inkl. japa­ni­scher Ori­gi­nal Schlei­fe / book incl. ori­gi­anl loop

die Por­trai­tier­ten:
Ter­ry Riley, Law­rence Wei­ner, Nori­f­u­mi Yama­mo­to, Wolf­gang Till­mans, Jim O’Rour­ke, Ohno Kazuo, Gil­bert & Geor­ge, Jonas Mekas, Hiro­shi Sugi­mo­to, BRASSAI, Hein­rich Neu­haus, Jean Baudril­lard, Sophie Cal­le, Ari Mar­co­pou­los, Jim Jar­musch, John McEn­ti­re, Yoshi­to­mo Nara, Ryui­chi Saka­mo­to, Lar­ry Clark, Elein Fleiss, Peter Hal­ley, Caol Uno, Goran Schildt, Fuel Ste­phen Sor­rell & Damon Murray,
Riki Watan­a­be, Shu­s­a­ku Ara­ka­wa, Sam Tay­lor-Wood, Kon Ichi­ka­wa, Pina Bausch, Dan­ju­ro Ichi­ka­wa, Shawn Stus­sy, Anselm Kie­fer, Luc Tuy­mans, Sara Moon, Nobuyo­shi Ara­ki & Ken Yasu­ha­ra, Tatsuo Miya­ji­ma, Cil­li­an Mur­phy, Tadao Ando, Dani­el Buren, Chris­ti­an Bol­t­an­ski, Yoh­ji Yamamoto,Gregory Crewd­son, Chris­to & Jean­ne-Clau­de, Yvon Choui­nard, Jona­than Barn­brook, Vicky & Bill, C. W. Nicol, Sori Yanagi, Hiroyu­ki Saka­mo­to, Ser­gei Doren­sky & Niko­lai Lug­an­sky, Jur­gen Lehl, Vin­cent Desi­de­rio, Pra­mo­e­dya Anan­ta Toer, Sho­ji Ueda & Sho­ta­ro Aki­ya­ma, Yutaka Matsu­za­wa, Tad­an­ori Yokoo














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