
Lallai, Talisa

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Tali­sa Lal­lai is a tra­cker. Infor­med by her own ori­gin the ques­ti­on of iden­ti­ty and iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on beco­mes the core of her artis­tic prac­ti­ce. Her pho­to­gra­phy, howe­ver, is no mere image-medi­um. It is rather a form of expres­si­on to con­sti­tu­te space, cor­po­re­al and vir­tual­ly sculp­tu­ral. Wit­hin space she mer­ges flee­ting impres­si­ons and atmo­s­phe­res: fro­zen images of bygo­ne times, both stran­ge and fami­li­ar, grace­ful and stag­ge­ring. One real­ly has to move throughout her calm­ly con­cen­tra­ted instal­la­ti­ons with utmost vigi­lan­ce, approach and take distance again in order to see anything.

Tali­sa Lal­lai is a tel­ler of histo­ry and sto­ries ali­ke. Con­stant­ly, she inter­wea­ves fan­tastic inven­ti­ons with fac­tu­al events. Her pic­to­ri­al lan­guage of an “exo­tic South” she has deri­ved from moti­ves of a Wes­tern per­spec­ti­ve; cri­ti­cal­ly, though, as she incor­po­ra­tes Modernity’s belief in pro­gress into inhu­man colonialism.

Some of her pho­to­graphs ori­gi­na­te from exten­si­ve rese­arch jour­neys, howe­ver, she fre­quent­ly employs found foo­ta­ge. For instance, she appro­pria­tes maga­zi­ne pho­to­graphs or sli­des and re-works, re-con­fi­gu­res, re-enacts them: images of alrea­dy exis­ting but disap­pearing images which beco­me the regai­ned means of a pic­to­ri­al re-con­si­de­ra­ti­on of histo­ry. As in a media-archaeo­lo­gi­cal exca­va­ti­on Tali­sa Lallai’s re-con­tex­tua­liz­a­ti­on re-asses­ses and secu­res long-gone pic­to­ri­al evi­dence uncon­tes­ted­ly impres­sed into the Wes­tern cul­tu­re of images. She aks what remains, fades, or gets sup­pres­sed, asks which images we keep in mind and memo­ry without even knowing it.

This excep­tio­nal artist book is publis­hed on the occa­si­on of Tali­sa Lallai’s frist insti­tu­tio­nal solo exhi­bi­ti­on at Kunst­ver­ein Reut­lin­gen and con­ge­ni­al­ly com­ple­men­ted with texts by Judith Schalan­sky, aut­hor of the inter­na­tio­nal­ly renow­ned “Atlas of Remo­te Islands”, which spark a revel­ling dia­lo­gue of thoughts, pla­ces, and images.










Artikelnummer: liawolf-9783903269125 Kategorien: , , Schlüsselworte: ,
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