Salento Moderno

an inventory of private houses in southern Puglia/Inventario di Abitazioni pirvate nel sud della Puglia

Giannella, David/Torrigiani,Massimo


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Salen­to Moder­no brings tog­e­ther a ran­ge of pri­va­te homes built sin­ce the 1950s in Salen­to, in the area to the south of Lec­ce: sin­gle and dou­ble-fami­ly dwel­lings which, in terms of qua­li­ty and varie­ty, repre­sent a uni­que examp­le of spon­ta­n­ei­ty and aes­the­tic anar­chy on the Ita­li­an archi­tec­tu­ral pan­ora­ma. The stu­dy is car­ri­ed out with the con­tri­bu­ti­on of three pho­to­graph­ers and two his­to­ri­ans of archi­tec­tu­re, and exami­nes a high­ly pecu­li­ar phe­no­me­non from an unusu­al per­spec­ti­ve. In Sou­thern Salen­to, in the area lying bet­ween Capo di San­ta Maria di Leu­ca, Por­to Cesa­reo on the Ioni­an Sea and San Foca on the Adria­tic coast, house con­struc­tion is foun­ded on a solid craft tra­di­ti­on which, in open con­trast with any insti­tu­tio­nal archi­tec­tu­ral school, has led to the rise of eccentric, free and flu­id approa­ches to archi­tec­tu­re. Inves­ti­ga­ting pri­va­te living and its rela­ti­on to public space, the volu­me opens a broa­der reflec­tion on tas­te, cele­bra­ting its varie­ty and ima­gi­na­ti­ve scope.








an inventory of private houses in southern Puglia/Inventario di Abitazioni pirvate nel sud della Puglia




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  • New Nordic Gardens
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