Roma 1977–1981


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Fran­ce­s­ca Woodman’s first solo exhi­bi­ti­on was held in 1978, in the base­ment of a small book­shop in Rome named Mal­doror. Ope­ra­ted by two young men named Giu­sep­pe Caset­ti and Pao­lo Mis­si­goi, Mal­doror spe­cia­li­zed in Sur­rea­list and Futu­rist books and rari­ties. One day, Cas­set­ti recal­led, Fran­ce­s­ca came up to me and han­ded me a grey cloth box and said, ‘I’m a pho­to­gra­pher.’ I ope­ned the box and I was immedia­te­ly sedu­ced by what was in it [ ] The short-cir­cuit bet­ween her gir­lish appearan­ce and the force­ful­ness of her images dis­ori­en­ted me [ ]: stan­ding befo­re me was a gre­at artist. She then said, ‘If you want, you can do some­thing with this box.’ So it was that, on 3 April 1978–the photographer’s twen­tieth birthday–Woodman’s first solo exhi­bi­ti­on ope­ned at Mal­doror. Fran­ce­s­ca Wood­man: Pho­to­graphs 1977–1981 com­pi­les the pho­to­graphs, let­ters, post­cards and pen­cil drawings that Wood­man mai­led to or left with Caset­ti, Mis­si­goi and her Roman entou­ra­ge around the occa­si­on of this exhi­bi­ti­on, repro­du­ced on a 1:1 sca­le and publis­hed here for the first time. Con­sti­tu­ting a scrap­book nar­ra­ti­ve of the photographer’s Rome years and her friendship with the Mal­doror pro­prie­tors, it also inclu­des a memoir of Wood­man by artist and wri­ter Edith Schloss.

A facsi­mi­le of Woodman’s busi­ness card is stap­led onto the front cover.

Buchgestaltung/Gestaltung/Graphic Design/Book Design: Doro­thea Brunialti

Publis­hed on the occai­on of the exhibition:
Fran­ce­s­ca Wood­man pho­to­graphs, 1977 — 1981; il museuo del lou­vre, Rome May 23 – June 19, 2011



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