Hermann Miller

A Way of Living


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Seit mehr als 100 Jah­ren spielt Her­man Mil­ler eine zen­tra­le Rol­le in der Ent­wick­lung moder­nen und zeit­ge­nös­si­schen Designs. Dank Geor­ge Nel­son, sei­nem ers­ten Design Direc­tor, sind nicht nur zeit­lo­se Klas­si­ker, son­dern eine Design­kul­tur ent­stan­den, die bis heu­te Bestand hat. Für ihn ent­warf das Ehe­paar Eames sei­ne legen­dä­ren Wohn- und Büro­mö­bel. Her­man Mil­ler: A Way of Living doku­men­tiert die­se ein­ma­li­ge Firmengeschichte

A chro­ni­cle of the rich histo­ry of this inno­va­ti­ve fur­ni­tu­re com­pa­ny, from its foun­ding in the ear­ly twen­tieth cen­tu­ry to today. Thousands of illus­tra­ti­ons tell the Her­man Mil­ler sto­ry as never befo­re, docu­men­ting its defi­ning moments and key lea­ders For more than 100 years, Michi­gan-based Her­man Mil­ler has play­ed a cen­tral role in the evo­lu­ti­on of modern and con­tem­pora­ry design, pro­du­cing timeless clas­sics while crea­ting a cul­tu­re that has had a remar­kab­le impact on the deve­lo­p­ment of the design world. Fea­turing new and archi­val pho­to­gra­phy illus­tra­ting the evo­lu­ti­on of Her­man Miller’s fur­ni­tu­re designs and the sto­ries and crea­ti­ons of legen­da­ry desi­gners inclu­ding Ray and Charles Eames, Geor­ge Nel­son, and Alex­an­der Girard, this is the first mono­graph to explo­re the histo­ry of Her­man Mil­ler — a com­pa­ny known as much for its pionee­ring designs and inter­na­tio­nal influ­ence as for its empha­sis on envi­ron­ment and com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice. Her­man Mil­ler: A Way of Living is an indis­pensable addi­ti­on to the books­hel­ves of design lovers around the globe.















A Way of Living

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