Dialogue Budapest — Vienna Windows

It´s all about shop windows - but also more

Frey, Martin


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This is a pho­to book about shop win­dows of small shops in Buda­pest and Vienna:

Dia­lo­gue Buda­pest – Vien­na can be seen as a reflec­tion upon con­tem­pora­ry urban deve­lo­p­ments and as a con­tri­bu­ti­on to the histo­ry of ever­y­day life in the city of Buda­pest. The pho­to­graphs in this book are the reuslt of a one-year work­shop held by Mar­tin Frey in Buda­pest during the aca­de­mic year 2016/17 with stu­dents at the School for Deco­ra­ti­on and Win­dow Dressing.

An artis­tic and urban-rese­arch pho­to pro­ject on the dis­play win­dows of small shops and busi­nes­ses was car­ri­ed out tog­e­ther with the stu­dents in the streets of Buda­pest. Over 200 pho­to­graphs of dis­play win­dows were crea­ted during a num­ber of pho­to­gra­phic explo­ra­ti­ons car­ri­ed out tog­e­ther in very dif­fe­rent districts and parts of Buda­pest. The pho­tos selec­ted for a sli­de show pre­sen­ta­ti­on and this book were picked during a collec­ti­ve pro­cess car­ri­ed out tog­e­ther with the stu­dents and enter into an asso­cia­ti­ve dia­lo­gue with Vien­nese dis­play win­dows. The one-year work­shop con­clu­des with a final pro­ject in which a vacant shop in the 8th district of Buda­pest is trans­for­med into a “Local Hero / Helyi Hos” in the form of a mul­ti­me­dia installation.

During the work­shop Dia­lo­gue Buda­pest – Vien­na and the resul­ting time spent in Buda­pest, this dia­lo­gue expan­ded the­ma­ti­cal­ly and Mar­tin Frey bund­led it tog­e­ther in two other inde­pen­dent pho­to­gra­phic works: His pho­to seri­es “Love Is the Ans­wer” and the pho­to instal­la­ti­on “Das Eis­sta­nit­zel / A Fagyi”, which inclu­des a sculp­tu­re by László Korga.

All works are shown during Buda­pest Win­dows – It´s all about shop win­dows – but also more
A seri­es of exhi­bi­ti­ons by Mar­tin Frey & Han­na Schimek (AT), pre­sen­ted in Buda­pest from 23rd Novem­ber to 11th Decem­ber 2017 at FUGA – Buda­pest Cen­ter of Archi­tec­tu­re and PUCCS Con­tem­pora­ry Art, in coope­ra­ti­on with Deko­ra­tor és Kira­kat­ren­de­zo Isko­la (School for Deco­ra­ti­on and Win­dow Dres­sing) and stu­dents from the class of Esz­ter Sár­kics, Miklós Erhardt, László Kor­ga, János Sugár, Grup­po Tök­mag (HU) and Vic­to­ria Squa­re Pro­ject (Athens/GR).















It´s all about shop windows - but also more

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