Architecture in Asmara

Colonial Origin and Postcolonial Experiences

Volgger, Peter/Graf, Stefan


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The anci­ent city of Asma­ra is the capi­tal of Eri­trea and its lar­gest sett­le­ment. Its beau­ti­ful archi­tec­tu­re was redis­co­ve­r­ed by out­si­ders in the ear­ly 1990s. In this book, the aut­hors offer an ori­gi­nal ana­ly­sis of the colo­ni­al city, pro­vi­ding a histo­ry not only of the phy­si­cal and visi­ble urban rea­li­ty, but also of a second, invi­si­ble city as it exists in the ima­gi­na­ti­on. The colo­ni­al city beco­mes a fan­tasti­cal set of cities whe­re each one reflects the others as if in a kalei­do­scope. Archi­tec­tu­re in Asmara.

Colo­ni­al Ori­gin and Post­co­lo­ni­al Expe­ri­en­ces breaks new ground and moves us a litt­le fur­ther along in the attempt to deci­pher Asma­ra in terms of con­tem­pora­ry theo­ry. This tit­le of the Basics seri­es brings tog­e­ther scho­l­ars from a mul­ti­pli­ci­ty of disci­pli­nes who have shown the ways in which colo­ni­al and post­co­lo­ni­al cri­ti­cism has ser­ved as a plat­form for new, diver­si­fied rea­dings of Asmara.









Colonial Origin and Postcolonial Experiences

Artikelnummer: liawolf-9783869224879 Kategorie: Schlüsselworte: ,
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