Look at me

Photographs from Mexico City

Fielding, Jed


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Sight is cen­tral to the medi­um of pho­to­gra­phy. But what hap­pens when the sub­jects of pho­to­gra­phic por­traits can­not look back at the pho­to­gra­pher or even see their own image? An in-depth pic­to­ri­al stu­dy of blind school­child­ren in Mexi­co, Look at me draws atten­ti­on to (and dis­tinc­tions bet­ween) the acti­vi­ty of sight and the con­scious­ness of form.

Com­bi­ning aspects of his ear­lier, acc­lai­med street work with an inno­va­ti­ve approach to por­trai­tu­re, Chi­ca­go-based pho­to­gra­pher Jed Fiel­ding (stu­di­ed with Aaron Sis­kind and Har­ry Cal­la­han at hte rho­de Island School of Deisgn) has con­cen­tra­ted clo­se­ly on the­se children’s fea­tures and ges­tu­res, pro­bing the enig­ma­tic bounda­ries bet­ween sur­face and inte­rior, inno­cence and knowing, beau­ty and gro­tes­que. Design, com­po­si­ti­on, and the play of light and shadow are cen­tral ele­ments in the­se pho­to­graphs, but the images are much more than for­mal expe­ri­ments; they con­front disa­bi­li­ty in a way that affirms life. Fielding’s sight­less sub­jects pro­ject a vita­li­ty that seems to extend bey­ond the limits of self-con­scious­ness. In col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve, joy­ful par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on with the child­ren, he has made pic­tures that reve­al essen­ti­al ges­tu­res of absorp­ti­on and the basic expres­si­ons of our creatureliness.

Fielding’s work achie­ves what only gre­at art, and par­ti­cu­lar­ly gre­at por­trai­tu­re can: it laun­ches and then com­pli­ca­tes a pro­cess of iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on across the bar­ri­ers that sepa­ra­te us from each other. Look at me con­tains more than six­ty arres­ting images from which we often want to look away, but into which we are nevertheless drawn by their deep huma­ni­ty and pal­p­a­ble ten­der­ness. This is a mono­graph of uncom­mon signi­fi­can­ce by an important Ame­ri­can photographer.
68 duotones
Intro­duc­tion by Britt Salve­sen. Essay by Vin­ce Aletti

Buchdesign/Bookdesign: Stu­dio Blue, Chicago















Photographs from Mexico City

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