The Color Work

Maier, Vivian


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The first defi­ni­ti­ve mono­graph of color pho­to­graphs by Ame­ri­can street pho­to­gra­pher Vivi­an Maier.

Pho­to­gra­pher Vivi­an Maier’s all­u­re endu­res even though many details of her life con­ti­nue to remain a mys­te­ry. Her sto­ry-the secre­ti­ve nan­ny-pho­to­gra­pher who beca­me a pioneer pho­to­gra­pher-has only been pie­ced tog­e­ther from the thousands of images she made and the hand­ful of facts that have sur­fa­ced about her life. Vivi­an Mai­er: The Color Work is the lar­gest and most high­ly cura­ted publis­hed collec­tion of Maier’s full-color pho­to­graphs to date.

With a fore­word by world-renow­ned pho­to­gra­pher Joel Mey­e­ro­witz and text by cura­tor Colin Wes­ter­beck, this defi­ni­ti­ve volu­me sheds light on the natu­re of Maier’s color images, exami­ning them wit­hin the con­text of her black-and-white work as well as the images of street pho­to­graph­ers with whom she clear­ly had kin­ship, like Euge­ne Atget and Lee Fried­lan­der. With more than 150 color pho­to­graphs, most of which have never been publis­hed in book form, this collec­tion of images deepens our under­stan­ding of Mai­er, as its immedi­a­cy demons­tra­tes how keen she was to record and pre­sent her inter­pre­ta­ti­on of the world around her.










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  • Avedon's France
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